The Jeff Cavins Show (Your Catholic Bible Study Podcast)
Jeff shares personal tips and scriptural truths to help you live as a modern-day disciple of Jesus Christ.
Lourdes: An Invitation to Healing
June 28th, 2024 | 26 mins 36 secs
ascension, ascension presents, ascension press, bible, bible study, catholic, catholic bible study, catholic church, catholic family, catholicism, jeff cavins, scripture
What do you know about Our Lady of Lourdes or St. Bernadette Soubirous? Jeff Cavins shares about the apparition and the visionary while on pilgrimage to Lourdes, France. He shares his own experience at the holy site and the beautiful things he has witnessed. Jeff also shares about the faith of those who seek healing from Jesus and those that encourage and support them.
Lying Is Plastic
June 21st, 2024 | 30 mins 12 secs
ascension, ascension presents, ascension press, bible, bible study, catholic, catholic bible study, catholic church, catholic family, catholicism, jeff cavins, scripture
Are you a reliable person? Are you someone that people trust to always tell the truth? Speaking the truth is incredibly important for anyone pursuing the Christian life. Jeff Cavins addresses the idea of lying being plastic. He discusses the impact of lying and the importance of speaking the truth at all times.
Why Women Carry a Purse
June 14th, 2024 | 23 mins 26 secs
ascension, ascension presents, ascension press, bible, bible study, catholic, catholic bible study, catholic church, catholic family, catholicism, jeff cavins, scripture
Have you ever wondered why some women carry a purse? What is that they keep in their purse? Out of genuine curiosity, Jeff Cavins has asked these questions of some of the women in his own life. He shares what he learned from them and what it says about the nature of women.
Whispers of Mary (with Gayle Somers)
June 7th, 2024 | 42 mins 13 secs
ascension, ascension presents, ascension press, bible, bible study, catholic, catholic bible study, catholic church, catholic family, catholicism, jeff cavins, scripture
Do you know the role that women have played throughout Salvation History? There are many stories of incredible women in the Old Testament who played a significant role in the story of salvation. Jeff Cavins is joined by Gayle Somers to discuss some of these women and how their stories foreshadow the life of Mary. Gayle Somers is the author of Whispers of Mary: What Twelve Old Testament Women Teach Us About Mary.
I Need to Make a Decision
May 31st, 2024 | 31 mins 26 secs
ascension, ascension presents, ascension press, bible, bible study, catholic, catholic bible study, catholic church, catholic family, catholicism, jeff cavins, scripture
Life is full of decisions. Each day, an individual makes countless decisions both big and small. So, is there a right way to make decisions? How can a person always be sure to make the right decision? Jeff Cavins offers his insight into good decision making by pulling from his experience and his knowledge of both Scripture and the Church’s teachings.
Thinking Out of the Tabernacle
May 24th, 2024 | 36 mins 44 secs
ascension, ascension presents, ascension press, bible, bible study, catholic, catholic bible study, catholic church, catholic family, catholicism, jeff cavins, scripture
Are we called to “market” the faith? Or, is evangelization more about the simple and direct approach? Jeff Cavins addresses these questions and encourages all believers to start pursuing effective ministry. He warns against being clever or catchy, but to instead focus on the good news, the message of the Gospel.
Is Your Life Too Complex?
May 17th, 2024 | 35 mins 43 secs
ascension, ascension presents, ascension press, bible, bible study, catholic, catholic bible study, catholic church, catholic family, catholicism, jeff cavins, scripture
How busy is your life? How many different “priorities” are vying for your attention? Life can be incredibly complex which can distract us from the priority. Jeff Cavins addresses the problem of an overcomplicated life and offers advice on how to uncomplicate your life. He also emphasizes the importance of prioritizing God above all else.
The Triple Crown of Virtues
May 10th, 2024 | 39 mins 20 secs
ascension, ascension presents, ascension press, bible, bible study, catholic, catholic bible study, catholic church, catholic family, catholicism, jeff cavins, scripture
Whatever happened to virtue? Sometimes it can seem like our world is greatly lacking in virtue. Every person struggles to grow in virtue. It requires effort and perseverance to grow in virtue. Yes, we can pray for God to help us grow in virtue, but we must also strive for it ourselves. Jeff Cavins explains what growth in virtue looks like and he also explains some of the primary virtues.
7 Responses to Feeling Imprisoned
May 3rd, 2024 | 32 mins 40 secs
ascension, ascension presents, ascension press, bible, bible study, catholic, catholic bible study, catholic church, catholic family, catholicism, jeff cavins, scripture
Have you ever felt imprisoned? There are many types of “prisons” people may experience such as work, a relationship, and many other types. How should you respond to these “prisons”? Jeff Cavins takes a look at this from the perspective of St. Paul who did experience a real prison. In particular, Jeff takes a look at Paul’s writings to the Philippians.
Responding to Unrest
April 26th, 2024 | 38 mins 59 secs
ascension, ascension presents, ascension press, bible, bible study, catholic, catholic bible study, catholic church, catholic family, catholicism, jeff cavins, scripture
Do you feel the weight of anxiety or uncertainty when you watch the news these days? How should we respond to unrest? Is there a biblical way to respond to unrest? In today’s episode, Jeff Cavins points to different examples in scripture and reminds us that the Bible is rich in ideas and rich in responses when it comes to living in difficult times.
Snippet from the Show
The same God that split the Red Sea, the same God that defeated Goliath and the Philistines with Samson, the same God that David served, is the one that we serve. -
How I Have Changed
April 19th, 2024 | 36 mins 50 secs
ascension, ascension presents, ascension press, bible, bible study, catholic, catholic bible study, catholic church, catholic family, catholicism, jeff cavins, scripture
Jeff Cavins concludes his testimonial series by sharing just how much remaining in the Church has changed and shaped his life. His hunger for truth and love for Christ continues to form the man he is today, and he invites us all to learn about the 12 different facets of the Church that have kept his heart and his life grounded in the Catholic faith.
Snippet from the Show
You are small but essential in the family of God. -
How I Came Back to the Catholic Church
April 12th, 2024 | 43 mins 7 secs
ascension, ascension presents, ascension press, bible, bible study, catholic, catholic bible study, catholic church, catholic family, catholicism, jeff cavins, scripture
Jeff Cavins continues to share his testimony of how he left the Catholic Church, but eventually returned. While it took a number of years, Jeff did come back to the Catholic Church. He outlines what brought him back and the types of challenges he faced along the way.
How I Left the Catholic Church
April 5th, 2024 | 33 mins 9 secs
ascension, ascension presents, ascension press, bible, bible study, catholic, catholic bible study, catholic church, catholic family, catholicism, jeff cavins, scripture
Every person has a different life story, a unique faith journey. Jeff Cavins begins this three part series on his faith journey by explaining why he left the Catholic Church all those years ago. He shares about his lack of understanding and how he felt fed elsewhere. He hopes that his story will encourage others in their faith and to also share their own journey of faith.
Good Suffering and Friday
March 29th, 2024 | 39 mins 9 secs
ascension, ascension presents, ascension press, bible, bible study, catholic, catholic bible study, catholic church, catholic family, catholicism, jeff cavins, scripture
Is there such a thing as good suffering? On this Good Friday, Jeff Cavins discusses the real meaning of suffering and why it is important to expect suffering in life. He explains the different types of suffering and how we can suffer well so that we may be true followers of Christ.
Living the Liturgical Calendar
March 22nd, 2024 | 29 mins 31 secs
ascension, ascension presents, ascension press, bible, bible study, catholic, catholic bible study, catholic church, catholic family, catholicism, jeff cavins, scripture
Most people live by a calendar, but what about the liturgical calendar? The Catholic Church celebrates and remembers many important people and events throughout the year. Jeff Cavins explains what some of these important days and seasons are and how we can live our lives according to the liturgical calendar.
Your Questions and My Answers (Part 2)
March 15th, 2024 | 29 mins 7 secs
ascension, ascension presents, ascension press, bible, bible study, catholic, catholic bible study, catholic church, catholic family, catholicism, jeff cavins, scripture
My children have left the Church, what advice do you have? What kind of guitars do you own? These are just some of the questions that Jeff answers in this week’s podcast. Today, Jeff answers another round of questions from you, his listeners. The questions include inquiries about the Bible, evangelization, and some personal questions for Jeff. He answers them all!