The Jeff Cavins Show (Your Catholic Bible Study Podcast)

Jeff shares personal tips and scriptural truths to help you live as a modern-day disciple of Jesus Christ.

About the show

In his weekly Catholic Bible study podcast, Jeff shares faith tips and scripture truths to help you live as a modern-day disciple of Jesus Christ.

The Jeff Cavins Show (Your Catholic Bible Study Podcast) on social media


  • Overcoming Envy in the Holidays

    November 25th, 2022  |  32 mins 47 secs
    ascension, ascension presents, ascension press, bible, bible study, catholic, catholic bible study, catholic church, catholic family, catholicism, jeff cavins, scripture

    Can we be joyful and envious at the same time? The holiday season hopes to bring joy, but we can also find ourselves pained with envy, not wanting others to be blessed in the ways God has blessed them. In this week’s episode, Jeff gives us several ways to overcome envy and celebrate the freedom that Christ came for us to have.

  • FTX & The Disciple

    November 18th, 2022  |  31 mins 35 secs
    ascension, ascension presents, ascension press, bible, bible study, catholic, catholic bible study, catholic church, catholic family, catholicism, jeff cavins, scripture

    What do we do in the midst of chaos? How do we handle the daily anxiety that life tries to throw at us on so many different levels? This week, Jeff reminds us that even though life is hard and sometimes we can’t figure it out, the Word of God has the answers to help us walk the path of wisdom.

  • Elections & The Power of the Church 

    November 11th, 2022  |  28 mins 2 secs
    ascension, ascension presents, ascension press, bible, bible study, catholic, catholic bible study, catholic church, catholic family, catholicism, jeff cavins, scripture

    Is it possible that we give too much credence to politics and our political leaders? In today’s episode, Jeff helps us as Catholic Christians to navigate through the election outcomes. We might be willing to engage in a political debate with our cousin or with our sister or someone at work. But how many Catholics are willing to bring up the Good News of the Gospel and share it with their opponent? 

  • The List of Things to Forgive

    November 4th, 2022  |  38 mins 6 secs
    ascension, ascension presents, ascension press, bible, bible study, catholic, catholic bible study, catholic church, catholic family, catholicism, jeff cavins, scripture

    “Lord, how often shall my brother sin against me, and I forgive him? As many as seven times?” We don't need to bring unforgiveness into the holiday season. In today's episode Jeff draws attention to the areas of life where forgiveness may be necessary, and encourages us to allow the forgiveness of God to begin healing these wounds.

  • The Four Must Reads of St. John Paul II

    October 28th, 2022  |  26 mins 26 secs
    ascension, ascension presents, ascension press, bible, bible study, catholic, catholic bible study, catholic church, catholic family, catholicism, jeff cavins, scripture

    For the times we’re going through right now, Pope John Paul II had a message and has a message that still deeply reverberates in hearts today. In this episode Jeff takes us through four of his favorite writings that have significantly impacted his heart and his life and his conversion to the faith!

  • Weapons of Warfare (Part 2)

    October 21st, 2022  |  25 mins 53 secs
    ascension, ascension presents, ascension press, bible, bible study, catholic, catholic bible study, catholic church, catholic family, catholicism, jeff cavins, scripture

    Do you ever feel alone in your battles? In this episode, Jeff encourages us and reminds us that we’re not alone when we have the Word, those around us, and the armor God has given us! In this second part of this mini-series we learn about the final pieces of our God-issued battle attire: the shoes of peace, the shield of faith, the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit.

  • Weapons of Warfare (Part 1)

    October 14th, 2022  |  29 mins 8 secs
    ascension, ascension presents, ascension press, bible, bible study, catholic, catholic bible study, catholic church, catholic family, catholicism, jeff cavins, scripture

    We are in the midst of battle: but have we forgotten that the battle has already been won? In this episode Jeff walks us through Ephesians 6:10-17, where St. Paul invites us to "put on the armor of God", that we may walk in the victory Jesus has gained for us.

  • Is There a Laity Shortage? Part 2

    October 7th, 2022  |  30 mins 21 secs
    ascension, ascension presents, ascension press, bible, bible study, catholic, catholic bible study, catholic church, catholic family, catholicism, jeff cavins, scripture

    What sort of responsibility do lay people have when it comes to evangelization? This week, Jeff continues his deep dive into the role of lay people in the Church. Jeff shares with us the wisdom of St. John Paul II from his document Christifideles Laici.

  • Is There a Laity Shortage? Part 1

    September 30th, 2022  |  33 mins
    ascension, ascension presents, ascension press, bible, bible study, catholic, catholic bible study, catholic church, catholic family, catholicism, jeff cavins, scripture

    How are lay people called to serve the Lord? In this episode, Jeff dives into answering this question by walking through some of the wisdom from St. John Paul II’s document Christifideles Laici.

  • Your Catholic Swiss Army Knife (Part 2)

    September 23rd, 2022  |  28 mins 37 secs
    ascension, ascension presents, ascension press, bible, bible study, catholic, catholic bible study, catholic church, catholic family, catholicism, jeff cavins, scripture

    Did you know that you have access to all the tools you need to live the Catholic faith? God has given us everything we need in order to follow him. In today’s show, Jeff continues his examination of the tools we have been given to live our Catholic faith.

  • Your Catholic Swiss Army Knife (Part 1)

    September 16th, 2022  |  30 mins 9 secs
    ascension, ascension presents, ascension press, bible, bible study, catholic, catholic bible study, catholic church, catholic family, catholicism, jeff cavins, scripture

    What are some of the best tools for a Catholic to have as they strive for sainthood? In today’s episode, Jeff shares about the Catholic Swiss Army Knife. He explains what some of the essential, everyday tools are for a disciple.

  • Evangelization…What’s Holding You Back?

    September 9th, 2022  |  36 mins 21 secs
    ascension, ascension presents, ascension press, bible, bible study, catholic, catholic bible study, catholic church, catholic family, catholicism, jeff cavins, scripture

    We are all called to be evangelists, so what is holding you back? In this episode, Jeff addresses some of the common reasons people use to avoid evangelization. He offers Scripture and advice on how to overcome fears and hurdles to evangelization.

  • Cracklin' Rosie Revival

    September 2nd, 2022  |  25 mins 18 secs
    ascension, ascension presents, ascension press, bible, bible study, catholic, catholic bible study, catholic church, catholic family, catholicism, jeff cavins, scripture

    Where do you go for healing and comfort? In our world today, there are many ways that someone might try to dull their pain or feel good about themselves. However, in today’s episode, Jeff shares about the one true source for healing and strength.

  • Big Reasons for Unhappiness

    August 26th, 2022  |  34 mins 44 secs
    ascension, ascension presents, ascension press, bible, bible study, catholic, catholic bible study, catholic church, catholic family, catholicism, jeff cavins, scripture

    What do you think are some of the big reasons for people’s unhappiness? In this episode, Jeff walks through a series of questions to help you discover what is most important to you and help you discover one of the main sources of happiness in life.

  • Crying Is Theological

    August 19th, 2022  |  27 mins 23 secs
    ascension, ascension presents, ascension press, bible, bible study, catholic, catholic bible study, catholic church, catholic family, catholicism, jeff cavins, scripture

    Is crying a good thing? In this episode, Jeff explains the different types of tears and how crying can be very good for us. He shares what Scripture, saints, and popes have taught us about tears.

  • When Roe v. Wade Costs You a Friend

    August 12th, 2022  |  31 mins 2 secs
    ascension, ascension presents, ascension press, bible, bible study, catholic, catholic bible study, catholic church, catholic family, catholicism, jeff cavins, scripture

    What should our attitude be in the wake of the ruling that has overturned Roe v. Wade? Abortion is a polarizing issue for many and can cause tension in families and friendships. In the wake of this ruling, Jeff offers some points to ponder that could help you navigate these relationships.