The Jeff Cavins Show (Your Catholic Bible Study Podcast)

Episode Archive

Episode Archive

408 episodes of The Jeff Cavins Show (Your Catholic Bible Study Podcast) since the first episode, which aired on January 6th, 2017.

  • 10 Ways to Know If God is Speaking to You!

    May 29th, 2020  |  33 mins 28 secs
    bible, bible study, catholic, catholic bible study, catholic church, catholic family, catholic home, catholicism, god speaking, jeff cavins, prayer, scripture, silence, tradition

    Have you ever wondered if God was speaking to you in the midst of a serious decision? Have you struggled with the idea of believing that God can speak to you? Today, Jeff shares 10 ways to know if God is speaking to you.

  • Mother of Pearl: Quarantined with the Mother of God

    May 22nd, 2020  |  33 mins 9 secs
    bible, bible study, catholic, catholic bible study, catholic church, catholic family, catholic home, catholicism, jeff cavins, mary, mary our mother, mother of pearl, quarantine, rosary

    How are you handling quarantine? Have you asked your Mom for help? Today, Jeff shares some insight on the imagery of a pearl, and Mary as the mother of pearls. As we continue to have our lives altered and interrupted by the Coronavirus, Jeff offers some practical advice on how to lean on the support of our Mother, who knows all our sufferings.

  • Simplify Your Life: Examining Your Heart and Home!

    May 15th, 2020  |  53 mins 6 secs
    bible, bible study, catholic, catholic bible study, catholic church, catholic family, catholic home, catholicism, jeff cavins, life advice, scripture, simple, simplicity

    Why is it so difficult to simplify our life? Jeff has always had a passion for the concept of simplifying one’s life, and now he’s going to share that passion with you! On today’s show, Jeff talks about ways we can simplify our lives during quarantine, and answers some of your questions in a LIVE Facebook broadcast.

  • How to Navigate Your Marriage During COVID-19

    May 8th, 2020  |  39 mins 53 secs
    catholic, communication, counseling, couples communication, couples therapy, covid-19, dr. peter damgaard-hansen, fighting, marriage, marriage problems, married couple, navigate your marriage, psychologist, quarantine problems, relationship problems, spouses

    Many marriages are being put to the test right now, as we continue dealing with the realities of COVID-19. Jeff is joined by psychologist Dr. Peter Damgaard-Hansen to discuss some of the problems married couples may encounter in quarantine and how we can better love and communicate with our spouses.

  • Me Me Me "Meology" vs. Theology

    May 1st, 2020  |  33 mins 38 secs
    ascension presents, ascension press, bible, bible study, catholic, catholic bible study, catholic church, catholicism, christian, faith, focus, god, jeff, jeff cavins, living, me, ourselves, scripture, self, theology

    Are we living our lives for ourselves, or for God? On today’s show, Jeff talks about perspective and how we can focus our lives on God and not ourselves.

  • 7 Ways to One Another One: What Scripture Says about Relationships

    April 24th, 2020  |  31 mins 16 secs
    ascension presents, ascension press, bible, bible study, catholic, catholic bible study, catholic church, catholicism, christian, covid-19, faith, family, god, jeff, jeff cavins, love, love others, quarantine, scripture, st. paul

    Jeff offers some words of encouragement through St. Paul’s messages to the Church during this time of COVID-19, encouraging us to be doers of the word of God, not just hearers.

  • What Is Essential?

    April 17th, 2020  |  35 mins 10 secs
    bible, bible study, catholic, catholic bible study, catholic church, catholicism, christian, essentials, faith, god, jeff, jeff cavins, scripture, simple, simple life, simplified

    When so many things are stripped away, we’re left to examine what’s most important. Jeff discusses how we can simplify our lives by discovering the things that are essential, and taking away the things that distract us from what matters most.

  • Catholics, Cuisine, and Coronavirus

    April 10th, 2020  |  22 mins 10 secs
    catholic, chef john folse, coronavirus, covid-19, jeff cavins, john folse, social distancing

    Jeff sits down with Chef John Folse to discuss how to cope with the effects of coronavirus.

  • Standing Against Coronavirus with Faith, Hope, and Charity

    April 3rd, 2020  |  38 mins 12 secs
    bible study, catholic, catholic church, catholicism, charity, coronavirus, crisis, faith, hope, jeff cavins, scripture, suffering, trials, virtues

    There are three things within us that can help us deal with trials like coronavirus: faith, hope, and charity. Through these virtues, we can respond to a crisis with confidence and trust in our Lord. Jeff pulls from the Catechism of the Catholic Church and Scripture to illustrate what a faithful, hopeful, and charitable response to this crisis looks like.

  • 10 Bible Verses on Fear

    March 27th, 2020  |  34 mins 14 secs
    bible, bible study, catholic, catholic bible, catholicism, christian, coronavirus, fear, gospel, jeff cavins, jesus, jesus christ, ministry, pandemic, prayer, prayer life, scripture, scripture scholar, study scripture

    Fear is all around us as we face this global pandemic, but the Lord does not want us to worry, he wants us to trust. Jeff looks up ten Bible verses on fear that can help us look to the Lord as our help, instead of relying solely on ourselves. Get the shownotes by texting "jeffcavins" to 33-777

  • The Fear behind Closed Doors

    March 20th, 2020  |  32 mins 1 sec
    bible, catholic, coronavirus, covid-19, fear, jeff cavins, jesus, outbreak, pandemic, peace, peace be with you, scripture, scripture quotes, social distancing, upper room

    After the Crucifixion, the disciples shut themselves up in the Upper Room, in fear of their lives. Jesus came among them and said, “Peace be with you.” As we experience fear and uncertainty these few weeks, we ultimately must realize that everything will be OK if we put ourselves in God’s hands. Email us at [email protected] to get the full shownotes or text “jeffcavins” to 33-777.

  • Be My Guest: Dr. Marcellino D'Ambrosio

    March 13th, 2020  |  39 mins 1 sec
    bible, bible study, catholic, catholic bible study, catholicism, crossroads, dr. italy, dr. marcellino d'ambrosio, evangelization, gospel, holy land, jeff cavins, jesus, jesus christ, scripture

    Jeff interviews Dr. Marcellino D'Ambrosio (a.k.a Dr. Italy), co-author of the new study Jesus: The Way, the Truth, and the Life. They talk about how Jesus comes alive for us today, how we can grow closer to him, and how to share him with others. Text “jeffcavins” to 33-777 to subscribe and get added to Jeff’s shownotes email list!

  • Examination of Conscience for Fathers

    March 6th, 2020  |  42 mins 8 secs
    bible, catholic, catholic fathers, catholicism, confession, confessional, examination of conscience, fatherhood, fathers, matthew james christoff, reconciliation, scripture, sin, temptations

    Jeff is talking with Matthew James Christoff about how men must go deeper in confession to overcome the temptations they face everyday. They go over seven questions fathers can ask themselves in an examination of conscience before they enter the confessional. These questions are directly related to the seven attacks Satan makes on the family. Text “jeffcavins” to 33-777 to subscribe and get added to Jeff’s shownotes email list!

  • Into the Night: Lent, Confession, and Transformation

    February 28th, 2020  |  40 mins 28 secs

    Jeff guides you deeper into your heart and conscience than you’ve ever gone before. In your next confession, don’t repeat your usual “sin checklist” to the priest. Instead, fully expose your heart to Jesus and allow him to bring hope, healing, and peace in a way that profoundly transforms you.

  • Would It Have Been Fun to Be Jesus?

    February 21st, 2020  |  32 mins 50 secs
    bible, bible study, catholic, catholic bible, catholicism, christian, god's love, gospel, jeff cavins, jesus, jesus christ, love, ministry, prayer, prayer life, scripture, scripture scholar, study scripture

    Jesus could heal people, walk on water, control the weather, multiply food, make wine, walk through walls, and wake the dead. Having such incredible abilities sounds amazing, but would it have been fun to be Jesus? Though there were moments of happiness and fun, the purpose of Jesus’ ministry was to tell people to repent and return to the Father, and many, including his own disciples, rejected and denied him. He knew that this would happen, but did not use his power to stop it. The things most worth pursuing in life (marriage, raising kids, having a deep spiritual life, etc.) are never going to be fun all the time, because love isn’t just fun and warm fuzzy feelings. The goal of life isn’t to have as much fun as possible before we die, it’s to live a life like Jesus, one that is centered on the love of God.

  • 7 Steps to Decluttering Your Relationships

    February 14th, 2020  |  30 mins 46 secs
    bible, bible study, bible verses, catholic, catholic bible, catholic bible study, catholic church, catholic teaching, catholicism, christian relationships, jeff cavins, ministry, relationships, scripture, scripture verses

    Jeff brings together seven Scripture verses on relationships to help us simplify and declutter our relationships. Reflecting on these will help you in your family life, friendships, work relationships, and your relationship with our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.