The Jeff Cavins Show (Your Catholic Bible Study Podcast)

Episode Archive

Episode Archive

412 episodes of The Jeff Cavins Show (Your Catholic Bible Study Podcast) since the first episode, which aired on January 6th, 2017.

  • Advent - Will You Be Ready?

    November 30th, 2018  |  25 mins 52 secs
    advent, advent season, baby jesus, christmas, our lord, prepare for advent, prepare the way of the lord, scripture, the coming of christ

    Jeff talks about how we can prepare for the season of Advent, and let it transform our lives. We’re not waiting for a day of gifts and good will, we’re waiting for the coming of Christ.

  • The Ultimate Thanksgiving

    November 21st, 2018  |  28 mins 30 secs
    mass, sacrifice, thanksgiving, the eucharist

    Everyone who finds himself in a dilemma intuitively turns to God and makes promises whether they are empty or sincere. When we discover that we are fine, we often ignore our promises and may even come to blame God as the cause in the first place. Today, Jeff dives into Scripture and shares the prescribed way to give God thanks for all that he has given us, especially when he has helped us through a perilous time. Maybe you are going through a great trial right now and the last thing on your mind is Thanksgiving. Take 30 minutes to listen and discover the ultimate thanksgiving that has stood the test of time. Your holiday season may become a little bit brighter.

  • Falling in Love with Jesus!

    November 16th, 2018  |  30 mins 20 secs

    When it comes to falling in love with Jesus, we must remember that God has chosen us first. To love Jesus is to respond to that a call. Today, Jeff talks about how we can embrace this invitation, fall in love with Jesus, and then share this good news with others.

  • Get Out of Your Comfort Zone

    November 9th, 2018  |  26 mins 25 secs
    be not afraid, courage, disciples of god, follow jesus, fortitude, virtues

    Following Jesus Christ is not a applicable to a comfort zone. Jesus tells us to “be not afraid” for a reason. We need to go through changes, even painful ones, to be the people God calls us to be. This means we have to get out of our comfort zones.

  • 3 Keys to Rebuild a Shattered Life!

    November 2nd, 2018  |  28 mins 39 secs
    following god, help, how to start over, prayer, rebuilding your life, scripture, starting over, struggling

    It feels like your life is shattered and you don’t know how to rebuild it from the rubble. Does this sound like you?
    Whether it’s triggered by a catastrophic event or creeps in like a slow leak, we can take heart in knowing that we’re not alone. In fact, we can learn from biblical stories where lives were shattered, and rebuilt.

  • Beware of Lukewarm Christianity!

    October 26th, 2018  |  27 mins 21 secs

    In America, most of us do not have any big needs. As a result, it becomes easy to think God is not needed, because it seems like we can provide everything for ourselves. We become cafeteria believers, people who believe what they like, and reject what they do not. In today’s episode, Jeff says we need to make sure we don’t become so self-reliant that we feel like we don’t need God. Beware of lukewarm Christianity!

  • Becoming Dust Jackets for Truth: The Art of Storytelling!

    October 19th, 2018  |  22 mins 31 secs
    bible, biblical stories, dust jackets for books, fahrenheit 451, grandkids, jesus, memorize the bible, storytelling, truth

    Mastering the art of storytelling is an extremely effective way to spread truth. Jeff talks about the popular dystopian book, Fahrenheit 451, and how we can be “dust jackets for books”.

  • Discovering God in Ordinary Places

    October 12th, 2018  |  25 mins 13 secs
    beauty, everyday activities, journaling, joy, prayer, scripture, the little things

    This week Jeff talks about how royalty is in your presence, but you have to discover God in ordinary places. To develop eyes that see God in our everyday activities, start by keeping a journal of the ways God intervenes in your everyday life.

  • If We Took Christianity Seriously! Prayer

    October 5th, 2018  |  30 mins 46 secs
    catechism of the catholic church, ccc, christians, jeff cavins, jesus, our father, petitions, prayer, scripture

    Jeff zeros in on what we could learn from the Our Father prayer if we actually took it seriously.

  • Why Remain Catholic? Divine Revelation

    September 28th, 2018  |  34 mins 7 secs
    catholic church, church scandal, jeff cavins, why be catholic

    Last week, Jeff talked about “setting your face like flint” and not leaving the Church because of the sins of men. This week, Jeff continues his discussion and delves into divine revelation.

  • Why Remain Catholic?

    September 21st, 2018  |  24 mins 54 secs
    bible, catholics, church corruption, church scandal, jeff cavins, scripture, the church

    Why should we remain Catholic when the Church is infected with corrupt people? Jeff gives us a simple answer: because it is the Church that Jesus founded.

  • Fiddler on the Roof and Marriage

    September 14th, 2018  |  25 mins 13 secs
    fiddler on the roof, happy marriage, jeff cavins, love and marriage, real love, the jeff cavins show

    Is love an emotion? Jeff answers this question by looking at the marriage of Tevye and Golde, the couple from Fiddler on the Roof who had an arranged marriage that lasted over twenty-five years.

  • Instrument Rated Christians

    September 7th, 2018  |  23 mins 26 secs
    christians, guidance

    An instrument-rated pilot is a pilot who is able to fly using only the flight instruments within the plane. This allows a pilot to fly in low visibility without becoming disoriented. Today, Jeff shares how you can become an instrument-rated Christian, able to fly despite the storm within the Church today.

  • The Bible is Here!

    August 31st, 2018  |  24 mins 47 secs
    bible, jeff cavins, tga bible, the bible timeline

    Jeff shares the exciting news that The Great Adventure Catholic Bible is finally here! Over the last thirty-five years, Jeff has been taking notes for what he thinks should be included in the ultimate Catholic study Bible, and now it is a reality!

  • Church Scandals and Mouse Traps

    August 24th, 2018  |  31 mins 38 secs
    church scandal, pennsylvania grand jury report

    In the wake of the Pennsylvania grand jury report, Catholics are outraged, hurt, betrayed. Where do we go from here? Jeff implores us to not get caught in a trap that will immobilize us.

  • Amusing Ourselves to Death

    August 17th, 2018  |  33 mins 23 secs
    catholic, christ, jeff cavins

    In our culture, there is more of an emphasis on amusing ourselves and being entertained than truly feeding ourselves. There is a hole in our spiritual being that only God can fill and yet we oftentimes nourish ourselves with a culture that will not satisfy. Today, Jeff shares the importance of feasting on Christ and his Word to become truly satisfied.