The Jeff Cavins Show (Your Catholic Bible Study Podcast)
Episode Archive
Episode Archive
414 episodes of The Jeff Cavins Show (Your Catholic Bible Study Podcast) since the first episode, which aired on January 6th, 2017.
Meet My Friends: Chef John Folse
April 5th, 2019 | 48 mins 28 secs
bible, catholic, catholic faith, catholic witness, faith story, inspiration, inspirational life story, interview, jeff cavins, john folse, jp ii, scripture, witness to the faith
Jeff is talking to Chef John Folse, restaurant owner, television host, leading authority on cajun food, and devout Catholic. From growing up in the swamps of Louisiana during segregation, to serving food to President Reagan and Soviet Leader Gorbachevat, to meeting St. John Paul II, Chef John says he strives everyday to ask God, “What do you want me to do now?”
How I Learned to Read Minds
March 29th, 2019 | 35 mins 52 secs
being nice, bible, catholic, christian, friendly, fruits of the holy spirit, golden rule, holy spirit, how to love your neighbor, how to treat others, kind, love, love you neighbor, marriage, relationships, scripture
Do you want to learn how to read minds? All you have to do is think about what you wish people would do for you, and then do it for them. You’ll find it’s exactly how people want to be treated. It’s like reading their mind.
Do you want understanding, forgiveness, compassion, respect, and friendliness from others? They want that from you as well.
We can also look to Scripture to discover how people want to be treated, especially the fruits of the Holy Spirit.
“But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control; against such there is no law” (Galatians 5:22-23).
Meet My Friends: Fr. Josh Johnson
March 22nd, 2019 | 37 mins 44 secs
ask fr. josh, body of christ, broken and blessed, catholic, catholic books, catholic interview, church, church scandal, confession, fr. josh, fr. josh johnson, interview with a priest, priest, sacraments, sin, suffering, we are one body
I’m speaking with Fr. Josh Johnson, pastor of Our Lady of the Rosary Parish in Baton Rouge, Louisiana. Fr. Josh has a new book out, Broken and Blessed, about how we are broken and our Church is broken, but that the mercy and blessings of God surpasses all our failings. We discuss this theme of brokenness: how to respond to it in others, what to do about it in the Church, and what God thinks of us when we fall.
The Power of Repentance
March 15th, 2019 | 37 mins 51 secs
bible, bible scholar, bible stories, bible stories on repentance, catholic, confession, examination of conscience, jeff cavins, prodigal son, regret, repentance, repentence, scripture, scripture scholar, scripture verses on repentance
Repentance is critical for a healthy spiritual life. If we want to get over our mistakes and really orient ourselves around God, we have to have a daily repentance. True repentance is not only a change in mind, “O my God, I am heartily sorry for having offended you” but also a change in action, “I firmly resolve, with the help of your grace, to sin no more … ” Learn about stories of repentance in the Bible and what these Scripture verses mean for you. Want the shownotes? Check out this episode at or email us at [email protected]
A Strategy for Lent
March 8th, 2019 | 34 mins 19 secs
40 days, almsgiving, be more like jesus, bible, biblical scholar, catholic, fasting, genesis, gospel, jeff cavins, jesus, lent, lent 2019, lenten committment, lenten strategy, prayer, scripture, three pillars of lent
Stick to the three pillars of Lent for the full forty days with this strategy from Jeff Cavins. We hear about fasting, almsgiving, and prayer so often during Lent that the words can become bland and lose meaning. But these practices are not arbitrary measures designed to make us miserable for forty days. They are spiritual disciplines specifically aimed at three areas of weakness in our souls. They help us overcome sin and become more like Jesus. Jeff shows us the effectiveness of these practices by comparing biblical figures from Genesis and 1 John to Jesus’ example in the Gospel of Matthew. He also provides some alternate ways of thinking about fasting, almsgiving, and prayer to help rejuvenate our commitment this Lent.
Is Your Parish Stuck in Traffic?
March 1st, 2019 | 30 mins 19 secs
baton rouge, catholic, church, church community, community, fr. josh, fr. josh johnson, gridlock, how to get things done, jeff cavins, parish, parish community, red tape, scripture, stuck in traffic, traffic
Parish life sometimes feels like being stuck in traffic. Things aren’t moving forward, resources are limited, tempers flare, and it feels like there’s nothing we can do to move things along. But Jeff heard an interesting take on this from Fr. Josh Johnson. He said, “You’re not stuck in traffic. You are traffic.” Without knowing it, we can contribute to parish gridlock. Jeff points out several areas where we aimlessly honk our horns instead of doing something to ease the tension, and finds Scripture verses that can help us avoid these tendencies.
Meet My Friends: Dr. Edward Sri
February 22nd, 2019 | 32 mins 30 secs
ascension press, christ's passion, dr. edward sri, go deeper into lent, holy week, jeff cavins, lent, no greater love, pilgrimage to israel, the passion of christ
In today’s episode, Jeff tries something new. He wants you to meet his friend Dr. Edward Sri.
Dr. Sri is a theologian, speaker, author of several bestselling books, and also hosts a podcast. He just authored a brand new book entitled “No Greater Love: A Biblical Walk Through Christ’s Passion.” In addition to the book, he went to Israel to film videos that allow you to meditate on Christ’s passion in a much deeper way.
Jeff and Dr. Sri also answer tough questions such as:
If God is going to wipe away our sin, couldn't there have been another way besides crucifixion?
Was Jesus abandoned by the Father when he called out “My God, my God. Why have you forsaken me?”
Did Jesus have second thoughts about dying for our sins when he asked God to “let this cup pass from me?”Snippet from the Show:
“You will never see God’s love more beautifully shine than in these accounts of Christ’s passion.”For the full shownotes, go to or email us at [email protected] to get them delivered stright to your inbox.
Feel Like An Outcast? Touch Jesus’ Garment
February 15th, 2019 | 28 mins 27 secs
alone, bible, bible study, bleeding woman, catholic, feel like an outcast, isolated, jesus heals, lonely, mark 5, outcast, scripture
It is the people who feel like outcasts that Jesus longs to touch. He longs to give their lives significance and meaning. Jeff explains the context behind the bible passage about the woman who touched Jesus’ garment (Mark 5:25-34) and shows you ways to reach out and touch him today.
Obtaining Peace of Mind
February 8th, 2019 | 34 mins 42 secs
catholic, christian, god's peace, jeff cavins, peace, peace and quite, peace of christ, peace of mind, prayer, scripture, scripture for peace
Peace of mind is something we all struggle towards, but rarely achieve. Today, Jeff talk about why we are unable to obtain peace and gives you five practical ways to reach this elusive state of mind.
The Shape of Your Day (Episode 100!)
February 1st, 2019 | 31 mins 10 secs
disciple, discipleship, doing god's will, first thing in the morning, how to put god first, leisure time, morning prayer, practical discipleship, put god first, shape of your day, time for god, time for prayer, using your time wisely, what do you do
Jeff explains how a true disciple not only believes, but listens, reflects, and acts on the Word of God. If you want to change the shape of your day, change the shape of your morning...that’s where it all begins.
Enter to Win! The Jeff Cavins Show Turns 100
January 25th, 2019 | 6 mins 6 secs
books from jeff cavins, celebrating 100 episodes, enter to win, free catholic books, giveaway, jeff cavins, lucky listeners, podcast giveaway, the jeff cavins show, weekly shownotes
Next week is The Jeff Cavins Show’s 100th episode and we want to do something to celebrate! We will be giving away three signed copies of various books Jeff has written: The Activated Disciple, Walking with God, and My Life on the Rock.
Looking at Your Life Geographically
January 18th, 2019 | 33 mins 58 secs
bible, bible verses, explaining bible verses, israel, jeff cavins, milk and honey, promised land, scripture, scripture scholar, spiritual life
Have you heard of the land of milk and honey? More than just a literal location, the land of milk and honey is a metaphor for two lifestyles of living. One is easy while the other is difficult. Learn how to use the geography of the Promised Land can help you in your walk with the Lord.
More Motivating Scriptures
January 11th, 2019 | 31 mins 42 secs
discern the future, fatigue, fear, inspiring scripture verses, motivating scripture, new year, scripture for trust in god, strength in weakness, suffering, trust in god, uncertain future, weakness
Back by popular demand, Jeff compiles thirteen more motivating Scriptures to help you discern the future and to help you in times of suffering and fatigue.
Motivating Scripture for the New Year
January 4th, 2019 | 30 mins 51 secs
ascension press, inspirational scripture, inspiring bible verses, jeff cavins, motivating scripture, motivational bible verses, new year, scripture
To start the new year off right, Jeff compiles twelve motivating Scripture verses to encourage and motivate you during times of fear, impossible situations, and unbelievable obstacles.
Prepare for an Amazing Year!
December 28th, 2018 | 8 mins 2 secs
amazing new year, christmas, holiday, holiday greetings, new year
Jeff wishes you a Happy New Year and shares a bit about his upcoming travels.
God's Christmas Gift - Mercy
December 21st, 2018 | 29 mins 25 secs
ark of the covenant, christmas, incarnation, jeff cavins, mary, mercy, mother of god, new testament, old and new testament, old testament, scripture, scripture scholar, the word made flesh, virgin mary
Jeff unpacks the incredible mystery of the incarnation this Christmas. He draws parallels between Mary and the Ark of the Covenant and walk us through scripture to show how the incarnation brings us back to mercy.